Sunday, September 27, 2009

What I love about Quebec City

Quebec city walkabout

My favourite street in the old city, lined with boutique art galleries, cafes, and buskers, and tourists of course~!

'I move only when I hear a tinkle in my jar'

Quebec City

Walkabout in the old city

The red roof house is the oldest house in old city, very authentically French, in contrast to the many other structures with both French and Brit influences in style.

Quebec city- a strategic place to colonise, as enemies trying to enter via the sea can be easily monitered from the high grounds on shore, and controlled, by virtue of the narrow (1km) width of the river

Quebec City

The British finished constructing the wall, for their own defense against other foreign powers that wanted to colonise Quebec.
Day 3 - The entrance to old Quebec City. This is part a long wall that surrounded the old city, which the French built to keep the British out...but the British came before it was finished in the mid 1800's.

Day 2- we arrived at Quebec City at night, after 5 hours on the bus from Toudassac. This is an art gallery and a seminary in old Quebec City, a town constructed by the French in 1700's...The British came around mid 1800's.

A hotel at Toudassac

Toudassac coast - the water was so still, like a painting

A model of what a Beluga whale looks like

White Beluga whales

Follow the seagulls! The gulls always flew above the seals to snatch a couple the fishes that they see. Sorry seal - I ate a piece of what was probably your cousin the night before...
Overall, I found amateur whale watching rather dissatisfying, as we only caught incomplete views such as these in the 3 hour boat ride. I was hoping that I would see a Beluga whale smiling at me. The scenery compensates for it I guess..

Whale-watching at Toudassac

On the search for whales

Near the coast in Toudassac, Quebec

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

To Trois Riviere - a small town 150km away from Montreal

Travelling with Miriam, from the Netherlands

A popular food in Quebec- hot chips topped with cheese and gravy, try this at home Linda!

The streets of Montreal and graffiti art

A Brazilian immigrant called Valdercy teaching me French

A public market in Old Montreal

For one weekend annually, people re-enact the local marketplace as it was 200 years ago and some historical scenes.

The streets of Old Montreal